Don't worry about those members who don't email you back. They aren't very serious and I had a bunch like that too. As you go through the training, you will learn ways to catch their attention more. Don't give up. Keep reaching out to them each month. It's really important they see you active and pushing forward. My first six were terrible (honestly) and I think most people's first six are. You have to be really lucky to get even 1-2 good ones (and some leaders just take them for granted not realizing what they have). It took me getting close to 30 -60 members before I found any real good ones. It sounds like a lot but it just happened in less than six months and can for anyone if they get the hang of it. I'm not a great salesman. I did have a couple amazing salesmen on my team that just blew things wide open but these are like having a gas fire (it's fun and amazing but can all blow up in smoke too). The fact is, that I've been pretty bad at most things and it takes me an incredible amount of pain and heartache to get anywhere. The only reason I'm pretty good at it now is simply because I refused to give up. LOL.
The important thing for you to understand is how important your autoresponder emails are to getting new members joining you. Most people are scared of their autoresponder emails and treat them like the plague. It's EXACTLY the wrong thing to do. The only reason you're not getting consistent members joining you is because of your lack of skills in creating autoresponder emails. I know that creating capture pages and getting subscribers is important too but the rubber hits the road LITERALLY where the autoresponder email touches your subscribers eyes. That's the secret right there. Again, I was terrible at writing autoresponder emails. But I decided to write one a day for a whole year. And it was hard to do with everything else I had to do. And I was scared I would lose subscribers (I lost a few) but the fear was ten times worse then what really happened. People didn't hate me or my emails even though they weren't all that great. Instead, I got emails back about stuff I was saying and there were some nice comments too. I started small and just did SOMETHING on my emails each day. Even if it was to just write a 1st draft or whatever. I even wrote them in my iphone by voice while I was walking my dog LOL. The thing is to just move forward with them (the forming of the basic habit is the crucial part). I'm telling you this because I want you to succeed. Most people would have to pay me at least $100 for me to tell them this. Remember, TRUST is the glue. To build trust, you need people on your list reading your emails that you are writing something from your heart. You need to catch their attention with who you are. It doesn't have to be spectacular. Just normal is fine. In fact, the more "unnormal:" you are, the less they relate to you. Use your mentors as the people who back you up when you need credibility to move them to action.
I hope all this helps Brian. :)
Keep up the great work and I look forward to seeing your new website creation. Let me know if you need some emails to send to your "Inviter" too. See what personal emails you have (don't worry about sending them out. People will be curious but they won't hate you). It's only when you "push" on people to do things, that they don't like it. Remember what Alan Cosens said: just prequalify them. If for some reason they ask you about it ( and they usually won't, then just say: "are you interested in making extra money?" If yes, great, give them a link. End of conversation until they watch it. If they're NOT interested in making extra money, great. move on. SImple). People put way too much thought into this when it's just super simple.
Last thought: I know all this that I shared with you is a bit on your plate on top of everything else you're doing. Never worry about it. Enjoy your day and just do what you can do successfully each day and let the other stuff wait till tomorrow etc..It all will add up in time.
PLS, CNF Info:
Hey Tom! So great to hear back from you! You know I've been to the Philippines many years ago for six weeks to help a doctor on Coron island (Palawan). It was an amazing experience and I still connect with my doctor friend each month. In fact, he's grown to be almost like a grandpa to me haha. :) I've definitely heard about Cebu and even read some things about it too while I was there. Sounds like an interesting place to live! How do you like it? I'm out here in Southern California now and enjoy the weather, the ocean, the mountains, and the desert here.
I'm really glad to hear about some of your success with Matthew. My business partner Elizabeta also had Matthew as a mentor too and she learned a lot from him. He definitely knows what he's doing. The only downside to Matthew is that I've heard it far and wide that it's hard to actually get paid from him unless you're really persistent. I don't actually know as I've never personally worked with him.
I personally also promote traffic on the safelists too and found I get tons of good subscribers from here when my promotional pages are compelling. I use PLS to easily create all my original splash pages and build my list with its autoresponder. Your capture page from Matthew is very simple and to the point and I can see why you get subscribers and can earn from it. My strategy is to promote traffic and advertising and give people what they ask for on my sales pages but also show them great systems to earn from too.
Anyway, I can send you a link to a very successful funnel system that is easy to duplicate and easy to earn from. However, as in everything in life, the more skills you learn, the more you earn. I wish this funnel had been around for me years ago but in hindsight, maybe it's best it wasn't as I may have been dependent upon it instead of learning the skills that changed my life working on the internet. I was taught these skills by a seven-figure income earner and mentor and they changed everything. Most people have no idea what they are but it's funny because the skills are very obvious if you are paying close attention and don't get distracted by all the hype LOL. Still, I've never seen one person find out what these skills are on their own (and I have a very big team).
Ok, so here's the link to check it out. It looks like many other programs you've seen before, but it has some surprising elements that you might not realize until later on. You might see some of them as you go through the first video. The obvious things are the compensation plan, etc...which IS important but not the first or second reason this funnel is so successful.
Four quick reasons for its success is its ability to start a higher-priced program for only $1. (Most people disregard free programs as "secondhand" or not as good as something you pay for - which is usually true). So actually paying a dollar does something psychologically (lol). Second, you don't even have to pay anything at all to access the basic training on the second page (the actual join and pay page). Included is one of the best pieces of training on using Udimi solos I've ever heard. Of course, there's more to learn about it (and that is advanced training) but it's really perfect for the beginner and even a slightly seasoned marketer. The third reason is that the compensation plan makes it obvious how you can earn higher ticket items (up to $1000 over and over again) easily if you understand it's a numbers game. Fourth, PLS is an excellent product and I use it for marketing all my business each day. In fact, it's the only program I know where I can teach all my team the 5 Critical Skills without them having to buy separate programs.
I hope this is enough to get you curious about the program. I've literally tripled my income in the last three weeks due to this new addition to PLS. The Power Lead System has been around for 10 years or more but this program is a relatively new addition to it. Of course, I can't give out any guarantees of income, but just to say that I get paid on my card daily from PLS (based on sales made) So I like that about PLS too.
I appreciate the fact that you're very good with your money and investments Tom, so lastly, I'll share with you another nice feature about PLS. This is your ability to just come in at whatever price you can afford. It starts with the Free Lead System. Its first upgrade is Lead Lightning at a one-time $7 and then the second upgrade to its main program with access to all its tools at the "customer" level $30 mo. and then next is its gold membership $53 mo. where you can earn $20 a month from each customer. Having 3 customers under you makes your gold membership only $30. It continues to the next upgrade which allows you to earn $90 a month per customer with LGA and then one-time high ticket items/products you can sell (promoted automatically with the system) that earn you $100, $400, and $1000 over and over again (once you've purchased them). This is how my seven-figure mentor earns six figures just from PLS alone.
Finally, I usually don't send emails like this with so many details (usually I just use a simple script with a link and add in the name of the person and any little things I want to personally say) but you seem to me to be someone who understands the power of good investments with your real estate, so I thought I would write you a proper email and explain some things. I hope it helps haha!
All that said, here's the link. I'm sending you one of the links I promote on safelists so you can see my method of advertising there. Of course, I use many different advertising methods. This page and many like it are available with the share codes for my whole team:
Will you let me know your thoughts, Tom?
Step to Six Figures, Intro Step Answers
Hey Richard! Ok, great work going through the Introduction to the Sixteen Steps. Yes, there are sixteen steps just like this one you went through. This step was just the INTRO Step. Great work answering all the questions!
Ok, so here are my responses to your answers:
1) Glad you got good info from the videos. Alan is a master at networking and I wish I had learned from him all those years ago when I was doing network marketing primarily. Now I promote mostly online but I still get members sporadically from those I know who I connect with occasionally who tell me they're interested in making extra money. In fact I just got a new gold member yesterday from an old customer who I knew years ago. I just sent him a little hello text and he replied back. I asked if he was still open to making extra income and he said yes, so I sent him a video. He watched it and then replied it was a good video. I said thank you and let it go. A day later he asked me to join on his own. So networking is very powerful if you remember to connect back with people from time to time and just say hello (see where things go from there and "be normal" and don't push at all). If you see that they might be interested, then simply ask them. But if they say no or get weird about your question, I just let it go immediately.
Now I work online primarily, but remember that even online, you're always trying to build relationships. It's how TRUST is built and trust must be built first before any sale can happen. Don't assume that just because someone joined your program and tried out the program, they trust you. They most likely will NOT stay in the program if they don't hear by email from you and get to know you a little. Networking is the most powerful thing even at the top levels of society. Millionaires and leaders network among themselves all the time and it's the same for movie producers and studios and even who will come on the next live show of some tv star. It's all about networking.
Now don't get me wrong. I'm pretty introverted myself. My wife is an extrovert, but not me. I like to be mostly alone or with her or my family only. I occasionally get out and meet others. But I'm always networking online with those I know and those who have joined my programs in the past and building up my leaders to become stronger. Building networks of trust is the name of the game no matter what business you're in. The BIG difference between "network marketing" and "online marketing" is that I advertise to the masses online and don't go out approaching people individually or "trying to make connections" with those in my town or city. But don't get me wrong. I don't mind giving out my business card to someone at a store or restaurant if I think they are sharp or have an "entrepreneurial spirit" haha! With Network marketing this is your MAIN job. But with online marketing, just advertising in places where people will see your ads or website online is enough. However, building relationships with people who subscribe to your ads through your autoresponder emails is CRITICAL if you want to succeed. So again, networking through writing/editing/ sharing emails is vital for success. I hope this helps! :)
2) Really great answers to these questions and very thorough and well thought out. It's an interesting point of view on the SEO for the GDI website and how you connected it to WA with their secure certificate there - brilliant! Great thoughts on PMS and yes the funnel is perfect as you say and you can adapt it to all the programs you want. I agree with you that the PLS structure is well thought out and that you can start for free is awesome for building your list and getting new subscribers without them having to buy anything.
3) The Power of One is basically about how duplication can create leverage for you. Leverage is very important or it's impossible to "lift" or attain some things without it.
4) Great job! You will also get a link like this when you become a leader and finish through the Steps to Six Figures Training.
5) Joining the Club is easy. You're already a member under us in PMS and GDI, so just send me the links that you have that are also in the CLUB and I'll make a page for you and add your links to them. So some of these links would be AEMailer, PMS, PLS (if you join), GDI, WA, Referral Frenzy, LeadsLeap, and any safelists or mailers you want too (I'll connect them to a special landing page for you where people can click on them). Any other misc links you find in the Club you want to send me.
Official Club Page:
6) I didn't see your email to say hello to the team, but if you sent it I believe you and I will say something from you next time I send out a team letter. If there's anything you specifically want to say, just let me know.
7) No problem. Keep at it and also let me know if you want to join PLS. If so I can make you a link you can promote that will help you to promote PLS, PMS and GDI. If this works for you, then I'll help you with it. But if not, that's ok too. Just keep on getting things set up in PMS and let me know when you have it ready and are promoting it.
8) Your homework is to find out what critical skill #4 is and what it is and what your thoughts are on it.
Ok, again awesome job answering all of these (except question 8). Send me the answer to question 8 as soon as you can.
I won't hold you back from going to the next Steps to Six Figures:
Password: AE1991597
Talk to you soon Richard!
CNF Info.
Hey KC! Great to hear from you as always.
You're always so great about keeping an eye on your stats and conversion rate etc...That's really awesome. Ok, good to hear about your new PLS members.
So one of the things I ALWAYS do is use the "Prediction Report" under the main "Account" tab in PLS (and you will see their phone numbers there) and call my new customers personally and welcome them and ask them to share their stories with me and I listen to it. I then share my story back and share how hard a time I had and how long it took me to succeed. I then let them know that it was only after learning the 5 Critical Skills from a seven-figure mentor, did things change for me working online (you can share this also as Alan indirectly helped you by helping me). I then let them know that there's an easy system in PLS that will help them begin to have success and that will help guide them to understand these skills a little better. This training will help them grow their skills and have more and more success too (something like that). Just be yourself and share all this as naturally as you can. The one thing you don't want to do is to say things like "it's hard" or you have to "work really hard at this" or anything like that. Just let people understand they can do this in their spare time and learn as they go (my suggestion). Leaders will naturally appear anyway and nothing you say will make them become a leader if they're not one already or if they don't have the potential for it). If they have questions you're not certain about answering, just tell them that you'll email us both (put me in CC) so I can respond to them and that question.
The other thing you can do is to email each new member the new CNF welcome portal with the welcome email (the scripts for all the CNF response emails for our team, are inside the New CNF portal II below Portal I:
Basic CNF Portal 1 (send to new members):
Advanced CNF Portal II
(this is found in "Take the Challenge One" - Step 6):
The Share code for CNF Portal I, is 752201-cashnowportal1 (so you can link your $1 CNF SP Sales page to the "Click Here" pic instead of mine. Also this share code is in CNF Portal II also). The link to "Take the Challenge" is at the bottom of this Basic Portal I and is good for all leaders (has all leader's links in there) so you don't have to worry about adding that link if you don't want to or creating your own "Take the Challenge". Also, I've done a lot of revisions on "Take the Challenge" including a whole training on the CNF (basic to advanced from Franks training on). Actually, there are tons of new revisions, so you're welcome to view them all. I don't put my personal links in this training to keep it duplicatable. :)
I've been having amazing success with this CNF funnel and it looks like you have been doing well with it too. I'm SO glad one of your emails had the link in there and helped get me started using it. I've spent two or three weeks making all the 25 additional capture/splash pages that go with this funnel for safelists and Udimi solos and tons of everything else to help our advanced members as well as our newbie members (such as referring them back to Franks training in the Basic Welcome Portal I). I can't wait for you to see all the new splash pages I made for safelists (14 or more).
Will you let me know what you think KC? (Any constructive criticism is welcome too).
Anyway, the key to keeping your members is personally connecting with them by phone, email, and text (and Facebook doesn't hurt either), helping your new members by emailing them the training, and offering to help them if they get stuck. Does this help?
Talk soon KC!